Food Allergy
Being a parent to a child with a diagnosed or suspected food allergy is stressful!
Figuring out what your child can and cannot eat, how to reintroduce these foods and making sure your child is meeting their requirements can be overwhelming. But with expert help you can get back to enjoying the things that matter.
Benefits of a consultation with a registered Paediatric Dietitian
Assess potential nutrition deficiencies and provide appropriate recommendations as needed​, giving you peace of mind.
Certainty of diagnosis for delayed food allergies.
We will work out how to safely reintroduce foods back into your child's diet.
You will become confident with reading food labels and managing your child's care and social events.
I've worked with hundreds of parents of food-allergic children. And I've also had first-hand experience.
My nephew had delayed allergies to dairy, which was difficult! This fuelled my passion for the area of food allergy.
I have completed various post-graduate courses in food allergy and enjoy staying up to date with all the latest evidence on this topic.